Meet the Executive: Sherouk Nasr


Meet the Executive: Sherouk Nasr

Smiling confidently at her desk, you would never guess that Sherouk is an intern, and new to the professional environment she sits so comfortably in.  This is in part due to the extensive interviewing and training process that all interns go through in order to secure their place in these highly sought after positions at the Bank of Palestine; an experience that she felt was extremely beneficial to her professional development.  After an initial interview and English test, successful applicants take part in the ‘workplace success’ intensive training course that focuses on soft skills.  This is followed by two weeks of specific training within different banking functions..

Sherouk graduated from Birzeit University in September 2014, she is one of the fortunate graduates who have found work. Her rewarding experience has led her to encourage her friends  to also seek positions within the Bank of Palestine.  In her role as an individual loans officer, Sherouk is excited about continually learning new things and adapting to her new environment.